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Flow React SDK

Set Up

  1. Create an account on the Speechmatics On-Demand Portal here.
  2. Navigate to Manage > API Keys page in the Speechmatics On-Demand Portal.
  3. Enter a name for your API key and store your API key somewhere safe.


The Speechmatics Flow React library can found on NPM and installed by running:

npm i @speechmatics/flow-client-react

For React Native, make sure to install the event-target-polyfill package, or any other polyfill for the EventTarget class


  1. Use the FlowProvider at a high level of your component tree:

    import { FlowProvider } from "@speechmatics/flow-client-react";
    function RootLayout({children}) {
      <FlowProvider appId="your-app-id">

    Note thatFlowProvider is a client component, like any other context provider. In NextJS, it's best to put this either in a root layout, or inside another client component. For frameworks like Remix which don't use React Server Components, it should work anywhere.

    Note for React Native: Pass websocketBinaryType="arraybuffer" to the FlowProvider as it is more reliable than the Blob implementation.

  2. Inside a component below the FlowProvider:

    function MyComponent() {
      const { startConversation, endConversation, sendAudio } = useFlow()
  1. Connect and start conversation

    startConversation is a function which requires a JWT to open a websocket and begin a session.

    See our documentation about generating JWTs temporary keys.

    An example credentials fetching flow can be found in the NextJS example.

      await startConversation(jwt, {
        config: {
          template_id: personaId,
          template_variables: {},
        // `audioFormat` is optional. The value below is the default:
        audioFormat: {
          type: 'raw',
          encoding: 'pcm_s16le', // this can also be set to 'pcm_f32le' for 32-bit Float
          sample_rate: 16000,
  1. Sending audio

    The sendAudio function above accepts any ArrayBufferLike. You should send a buffer with the audio encoded as you requested when calling startConversation (either 32-bit float or 16-bit signed integer PCM).

  1. Listen for audio and messages

    Incoming data from the Flow service can be subscribed to using the useFlowEventListener hook:

    // Handling Messages
    useFlowEventListener("message", ({ data }) => {
      if (data.message === "AddTranscript") {
        // handle transcript message
    // Handling audio
    useFlowEventListener("agentAudio", (audio) => {
      // Incoming audio data is always 16-bit signed int PCM.
      // How you handle this depends on your environment.