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Real-time React SDK

React hooks for interacting with the Speechmatics Real-time transcription API.

This package wraps the @speechmatics/real-time-client package for use in React projects.

Set Up

  1. Create an account on the Speechmatics On-Demand Portal here.
  2. Navigate to Manage > API Keys page in the Speechmatics On-Demand Portal.
  3. Enter a name for your API key and store your API key somewhere safe.


npm i @speechmatics/real-time-client-react

For React Native, make sure to install the event-target-polyfill package, or any other polyfill for the EventTarget class


Below is an example of usage in the browser.

  1. Use the RealtimeTranscriptionProvider at a high level of your component tree:

    import { RealtimeTranscriptionProvider } from "@speechmatics/real-time-client-react";
    import { PCMAudioRecorderProvider } from '@speechmatics/browser-audio-input-react';
    function RootLayout({children}) {
        Two context providers wrapping the app:
          - One for the Speechmatics Real time transcription client
          - One for capturing PCM microphone audio in the browser
      return <RealtimeTranscriptionProvider appId="your-app-id">
        <PCMAudioRecorderProvider workletScriptURL="/js/pcm-audio-worklet.min.js">

    Note thatRealtimeTranscriptionProvider is a client component, like any other context provider. In NextJS, it's best to put this either in a root layout, or inside another client component. For frameworks like Remix which don't use React Server Components, it should work anywhere.

  2. Inside a component below the RealtimeTranscriptionProvider:

    import {
      type RealtimeTranscriptionConfig,
    } from '@speechmatics/real-time-client-react';
    import {
    } from '@speechmatics/browser-audio-input-react';
    // We recommend 16_000Hz sample rate for speech audio.
    // Anything higher will be downsampled server-side
    const RECORDING_SAMPLE_RATE = 16_000;
    function MyComponent() {
      const { startTranscription, stopTranscription, sendAudio, socketState } =
      const { isRecording, startRecording, stopRecording } = usePCMAudioRecorder();
      // Send audio to Speechmatics when captured
      const startSession = useCallback(
        async (config: RealtimeTranscriptionConfig) => {
          // getJWT can fetch an ephemeral key based on your setup
          // See our NextJS example:
          const jwt = await getJWT('rt');
          // Start a Speechmatics session, then start recording to stream the audio
          await startTranscription(jwt, config);
          await startRecording({ sampleRate: RECORDING_SAMPLE_RATE });
        [startTranscription, startRecording],

Source on GitHub

The source code for this package can be found on GitHub.