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License Structure

You should have received a confidential license file from Speechmatics containing a token to use to license your Container. The contents of the file received should look similar to this:

  "contractid": 1,
  "creationdate": "2020-03-24 17:43:35",
  "customer": "Speechmatics",
  "id": "c18a4eb990b143agadeb384cbj7b04c3",
  "is_trial": true,
  "metadata": {
    "key_pair_id": 1,
    "request": {
      "customer": "Speechmatics",
      "features": ["MAPBA", "LANY"],
      "isTrial": true,
      "notValidAfter": "2021-01-01",
      "validFrom": "2020-01-01"
  "signedclaimstoken": "example"

The validFrom and notValidAfter keys in the license file specify the start and end dates for the validity of your license. The license is valid from 00:00 UTC on the start date to 00:00 UTC on the expiry date. After the expiry date, the Container will continue to run but will not transcribe audio. You should apply for a new license before this happens.

Licensing does not require an Internet connection.

There are two ways to apply the license to the Container:

Volume Mapping in a License File

The license file should be mapped to the path /license.json within the Container.

For example:

docker run ... -v /my_license.json:/license.json batch-asr-transcriber-en:12.0.0

Setting the License with an Environment Variable

Setting an environment variable named LICENSE_TOKEN is also a valid way to license the Container. The contents of this variable should be set to the value of the signedclaimstoken from within the license file.

For example, copy the signedclaimstoken from the license file (without the quotation marks) and set the environment variable as below. The token example is not a full example:

docker run ... -e LICENSE_TOKEN=eyJhbGciOiJ... batch-asr-transcriber-en:12.0.0

There should be no reason to do this, but if both a volume-mapped file and an environment variable are provided simultaneously then the volume-mapped file will be ignored.