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Offline Usage Reporting



To support on-prem solutions which require access to the internet to be blocked, usage data can be collected locally using a usage container. This data is then exported and sent to speechmatics via email for review. Depending on the on-prem solution you require, the setup process is slightly different see Containers or Appliances for details.

The Usage Container only collates data that is required for Speechmatics to calculate accurate financial billing and measure product usage and system performance. This data is made up of a series of events that correspond to the various stages of a Speechmatics Batch or Real-Time Container as it processes a media file.

No personal customer data, transcripts or media data is captured or stored at any point.

The customer is responsible for assigning storage to the Usage Container and or Batch Appliance in order to capture all usage information, and sending data to Speechmatics at regular intervals.

Reporting Cadence

Speechmatics requires customers to send all usage data by the last working day of each calendar month. You should send data for each Usage Container and/or batch appliance you have running in your environments. For customers with very large transcription volumes, more regular reporting may be recommended. Large transcription volumes can mean:

  • Large number of jobs
    • This means any Usage Container that will store data from more than 10,000 Batch jobs in a calendar month, or 1250 Real-Time jobs of more than an hour
  • Many jobs of long duration (>60 minutes), especially when using the Real-Time Container in a 'streaming' mode where it persists between sessions

Usage data is stored for a maximum on 90 days before deletion.

Sending Data to Speechmatics


The exported data must not be modified in any way before sending to Speechmatics. Speechmatics will request a new unmodified data export if it is found that data has been altered.

Data is retained in the Usage Container for 90 days, after which point it is purged.

After exporting, Speechmatics requires data to be sent via email to

Speechmatics recommends file sizes to not exceed 25MB. This is the default limit for sending emails for many popular providers like Microsoft Office 365. Files in excess of this size may trigger an error when sending by your email provider.

You will receive a confirmation email within 15 minutes if the report(s) get accepted by our billing system. If the "Reply-To" header on the email you send contains multiple email addresses, we will send a reply email to only the first address in the list.


Any attachment sent to Speechmatics must have the correct file name extension: .json.gz.

For details on how to export usage data for a given on-prem solution see here Container and Appliance for more details.